Friday, July 15

Job Hunting or the wild world of corporations

So I have been looking around, I applyed at EB games, I really hope I get that postition. But there is about as much chance of that as there is of me going off and buying the next lil' Jon album (more like a random assortment of ape grunts over a fake snare drum...)
Speaking of fake snare drums, while at the mall today I really noticed how prodicable and sad our youth can be. Or at least the kind that spend their days dwelling around a mall like a hobbit cave.
I mean we all grow up, alot of the kids I see at the mall are one I know from school. Graduated ones, so why are they spending their time at a mall? Because its a place to meet friends, im sure most people don't think about the mass commericalism surrounding them and all the comformist veiws being chucked at them like a woodchuck chucking wood (if he could).
Therfore Y¼+ Ex2=oogabooa

Sorry I got a little off track there, heard about that thing...with that subway and that guy...he..erm...stoped that guy....*this continues on as Andrew's brain ultimatly melts*


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