Monday, May 16


Yes I did, even I am not proud of myself. But still its not like it's a huge deal and the ads are tastefully put there, the only real reason I did it is because I get paid some odd amount whenever someone clicks the if you could just like umm you know click wouldn't even have to read the site....just close the window so i couldPLUG END'D!

Anyway, I don't really know how old you all are out there but im ending my senior year and I must mutate into some creature capable wearing ties and giving LONG speechs with out screwing up. I have to give me senior paper speech eathier tommorow or on Thursday. 8 full minutes of me talking about why pop sucks and why I play my guitar. I'ts hard stuff but I might be okay.

Also David Bowie rocks, although it will take a lot of courage on my part to post his picture on here, him being such a sexy man and all. * Beep Beep! *


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