Thursday, August 5

Ive been informed that theres going to be a production of Roger Water's The Wall on Broadway.

now this is just mokery of that wonderful film! I was thinking How would Roger ever appove that? Apparently he wanted to have a vertion of the moive that had some laughs in it, I cant blame him there he always though the movie was lacking inthat aspect, But He didn't have to re-make the bloody thing! While this whole thing is interesting I really dont think its nessesary...okay while writeing this ive burnt myself 3 times makeing breakfast, I think I should stop typeing...ow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think its a good idea its keeping the film alive just in a different manner instead of re-releasing it or something into theatres like they did with star wars a few years back they r approaching it in a different manner it could be a good thing cuz its introducing it to a different crowd and may interest the people who r more into broadway rather than popular music xoxo chelle

6:33 PM  
Blogger Rushnerd said...

where is this internet-land? God I hopetheydont turn up movies and make a franchise and have a mouse mascost like some OTHER lands I know. I am of course refering to Six flags!

Also that picture isn't me...its my cyborg double, he fills in for me at public events.

4:51 PM  

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