Friday, April 18

Ahh yes the Fab Four, you may have heard
of these guys before, I just reallylike these guys
alot so if you would be so kind to read though
this I wont dissapoint you! *I hope*

Ahh yes ringo, george, john, and of course paul. I think most kids of this generation consiter then beatles just to be some insanely popular band in the late 50's-60's (I'll have to admit until like 2 years ago I didn't like them at all, mostly because I didn't know that they did such cool stuff later on) ,and asume that all there style of music of were songs like "she loves you" "one after 909"
"no reply" or "eight days a week" sure those are some of my favourite songs of there but they only tell a slice of the story. Those were the early days when

the beatles were these new guys on the sence with crazy hair and guitars in hand, they did numorous covers and were quite the lively group. After after all the screaming *crying yelling passing out etc.* girls faded out and the beatles started changeing *Rubber Soul was a big step* they became more like indivituals and expressed themselfs more clearly then ever

now this is a HUGE leap from the moptops to he "psychodelic beatles" but i'd be writeing till your monitor exploded if I didn't skip some of the story, just the basics.
Anyway you can phsicaly see how much the changed in just a decade. In 1967 They released there crazyest, most experimental work to date, Sgt. peppers lonley hearts club band...yes you know what im talking about if youve ever been so lucky as to experiance this masterpice of a album *perferablely on vinyl* the "nice boys" were now trippin on Lucy in the sky with diamonds *LSD DUH!* to expand there minds, but Lennon later said "It was like takeing an aspirn without a headache" stil they made some of the heavest sounds of the centery by doing came the White ablum witch shook the contry and even inspired killers to run amok! *see helter skelter & Pigges* but around the losely recorded white album *done mosty in india with a few acuostic guitars* came confuseion and very high tention. John being with Yoko was starting to make a bigger statement, she was with him in the studeo all the time *even helped him with a few songs, like a good amount of "revlution #9" one of my favourites!* and they all didn't spend as much time togather as they would like to, well some of them anyway. By the time the ledenay "Abby Road" came out the band was really just hanging on treads and most of them knew things weren't going to last. (abby road was the first album I ever heard of theres It means so much to me, in fact why dont you put it on your turntable right now? go ahead!......i'll wait...............youre not doing it.......oh you say you dont own the record? THEN GO BUY IT!, MAKE SOMTHING OF YOURE LIFE!)

So Paul seeing the bands break up down the road *not that road!* he decided to have them starting being the rock group they once were and start touring again, that right there would undobtedly break up The Bealtes. but before they whent they relesed Let It Be, a beatiful masterpiece of work that they paul said lets do one last get togather. So they did, on top of Apple records for 30 minutes *witch they could barely manage to do 5 songs in* and then they let it be.
This information really does no one anygood though if you dont put it to mind, so pick up one of there albums and experiance it *weather its from your bookshelf your grandpa's attic your local records store or *god forbid* the internet* just listin to them, and open up your mind. who knows you might find out somthing new about your self.


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